Samples last trimester A very positive reaction to an economic recovery that is less intense than expected.
Under the magnifying glass of all analysts who study how they could affect the changes that are negotiated around the 2012 Labor Reform, the National Institute of Statistics gave yesterday to know data that speak of an intense recovery in figures, later nuanced by
Issues such as the kind of employment that is created.

The summer high season with the return of tourism, the progress of the vaccination campaign and the flexibilization of restrictions imposed for health reasons promoted employment with force between July and September.
According to data from the Active Population Survey (EPA) prepared by the INE, the number of employed in the labor market was recovered until they exceed 20 million, thus surpassing the level it presented in 2008.

The labor market drags in this recovery important factors that nuance the final result.
Employment in the private sector, which is the one that joined practically all the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, increased by 314,800 people between July and September, increasing 4.46% and standing at 16,547,000.
In this issue, for example, must be included, for example, the more than 200,000 persons who remained affected by the temporary recovery records (ERTE), a situation that places these workers in the category of busy despite their inactivity.

The recovery of employment arrived net on employees but not to autonomous.
With about 200,000 at the cessation of activity, the number of self-employed workers was reduced by 49,600 between July and September.
Specifically, the self-employed self-employed, while self-employed workers with workers under 14,800, decreased by 59,700, according to their main ATA Association.

It is something that the CEOE and CEEYME employers stood out after the analysis carried out by the Government, which practically gives closed the COVID crisis in labor matters by pointing out that the macro figures are at levels of 2019.

The Secretary of State for Economy, Gonzalo García Andrés, said yesterday that EPA data show a recovery of the effective level of employment “that has no precedents”.

“It has been a better quarter than the seasonality fixes in a normal quarter,” he explained.
García Andrés affected the good performance of the labor market and its re-establishment “in such a short period of time”, which reflects “the effectiveness of the response that has been given to the crisis”, with measures such as the temporary regulation files of
Employment (ERTE) and support for the rental of households and companies.

Study services such as BBVA Research said yesterday this euphoria indicating, for example, that the increase in job creation has been lower than its forecasts and that, although “EPA employment is at low levels, the unemployment rate is above
Specifically, BBVA attributes this behavior to the atony of the construction sector.

For its part, the employers reminded the Government that precisely the recovery of employment that considers as relevant is taking place with the labor framework that it is intended to reform.

“This should be taken into account when adopting measures in the labor market that can condition the incorporation and maintenance of some collectives in employment and the reactivation of certain productive branches, maximize in a context with increasing uncertainties and risks that may affect
Negatively to the intensity of economic recovery, “they said since the employer in a statement.
Entrepreneurs refer specifically to the normative changes prepared by the Government on temporary contracting and subcontracting of companies in sectors such as construction, which has not been one of the most dynamic in this phase.

In addition, the employer of Small and Medium Enterprises Cepyme stressed that, despite the strong increase in occupation, the jobs prior to the pandemic have not yet been recovered in the private sector.
Thus, the number of employed in the private sector reached 16,547,000 workers at the end of September 16,547,000, compared to 16,646,000 existing workers in the same period of 2019.

“This situation reflects the slow recovery of the Spanish business tissue, which still registers 39,700 companies less than before the pandemic,” he notifies Cepyme, which alert also the possible effects of factors such as the lack of supplies and the increase in commodity prices.
Premiums and energy.

These circumstances, complaint, are already directly impact on sectors such as industry and transport, so it has claimed the Government to prioritize the recovery of activity and “eliminate obstacles and new increases in tax costs, which can have very negative effects
In the recovery of companies and employment ».

Meanwhile, public employment grew by 44,500 people, 4.40%, up to 3,484,000 workers, maintaining the record levels that has been marking with the pandemic.
In the last 12 months, occupation has increased by 707,200 people in the private sector and at 146,900 in the public.

The unions, on the other hand, affected the job class that is being generated, underlining the high temporality of the labor market.
“Together with unemployment, the other great problem remains the temporality, which does not cease,” said the secretary of union action of CCOO, Mari Cruz Vicente. The spokesman for a “call” to the parties that make up the dialogue table.
Social «so that this topic can be addressed in a profound way».