The Government has reacted strongly against the letters and calls that have begun to carry out electric as IBERDROLA or ENDESA to notify its great clients that they will have to have an impact on the impact of the approved regulatory hax on the income of their nuclear and hydroelectric plants.

The Vice President of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, considers that these warnings “are not justified” and has pointed out its concern about the possible increase in the invoice of the great industry for the effect it would have on the recovery of the economy.
“It is likely that the rate review was raised even before the adoption of these measures,” she said during the appearance of her in the control session to the Government in Congress.
The electricity deny the largest and, in the letter aimed at the world, linked overcast with the impact of the Royal Decree-Law that includes the measures.

“We want to understand what they are doing and why, because we think that this announcement is not justified, and if there is some kind of problem, it can not be something that harms the industrialists, nor to domestic consumers, nor evidently to the
Workers “, he has asserted.

IBERDROLA began last week to call its great customers for informal needs to renegotiate its contracts upwards.
One day after, Endesa – the other great electricity affected by the cut-acknowledged that a similar situation was raised to avoid the breach in which the regulatory change leaves a large part of its facilities.

Ribera has justified its measures and has even aimed at the benefits that according to their accounts are obtaining large electricity by the bullish effect that gas has over the price of electricity.
The vice president alleges that some facilities do not have to face this cost and, nevertheless, they are charging more when it is a marginistic market in which all the megawatt hours produced are reckoned at the same price, whatever their origin.
Companies respond that the energy of these plants is already sold at a fixed price much lower than the market that marks the market, so the revenue cut is abandoned for losses.

For its part, the Second Vice President and Minister of Work, Yolanda Díaz, has defined, to PP’s questions, which considers “rude” business benefits: those who occur when “there is a great abyss between production costs and benefits
Of those companies, “reports Efe.

“We also talk about rude benefits when four large companies concentrate the benefits of them and there are a multitude of families who can not face or have difficulty paying the receipt of light,” he said.

Citing Eurostat data, the Minister of Labor has denounced that the sales benefits of Spanish electrical are located at 18.5%, while the European average is 10.5% and the German of 5.6%

According to data from the Bank of Spain, the benefit on sales of electricity in relation to the average of all companies in the country is double, Díaz has added, who has criticized that in ten years, a company like Endesa has distributed among its shareholders
27.641 million euros in dividends.