There are urgent questions should be answered by the investigation Committee in the case of Lübcke. How can it be that the active neo-Nazis seem to be operating under the Radar of the constitutional protection, and as a “cooled down” means? Why is there a recorded right of legal purchase of extremists allowed sharp weapons? The parliamentarians will also have to consider the networking scene in the North Hessian town of neo-Nazi active and whether Stephan E., and Markus H. part of this scene were, or are. Alone the accusation of the Left that the murder could have been prevented at the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke, perhaps, when the house of Stephan e. directly after the murder attempt on an Iraqi refugee to be searched, that explosiveness is fraught with the work of the Committee. In a subsequent search, a knife was found, the DNA traces of the fugitive were.

the members of The Committee must provide, not the work of the Frankfurt higher regional court make. About the guilt or innocence of the accused, only the court may decide. The primary task of the Committee of inquiry is to identify weaknesses in the state’s authorities and security structures, and to push at the same time on their elimination. It comes to prevent the alleged error in the assessment and Monitoring of Stephan E., and Markus H. repeat in other cases. A successful Committee work is characterized by the fact that it increases the safety for all the democratic forces in the state of Hesse.

this premise, then a party-political bickering is downright counterproductive. It all Involved would be to the credit of the private sensitivities of the postulated goal to be reached. For this, the Left would have to stop the protection of the Constitution even before the completion of the investigation a permanent total failure to blame, and the CDU end their verbal attacks against the Left. It is the question of how the two AfD members work together, the sitting of the Committee on the other side of the spectrum.

The chances that the Committee accurately and without disruption to the education of the pressing issues, and can work, however, seem rather low. There are many indications that, as with the NSU-Committee, the conflicts dominate. The first litmus test will be the election of the Committee Chairman and the Rapporteur. The claim of the SPD, the Left and FDP that the Enjoyed the presidency, has given the new CDU party boss, Ines Claus is already a clear rejection. That is not a good sign for a fruitful cooperation. Too bad, because at least for the fight against extremism and terrorism, the often petty acting skirmish should be ended.