It’s clear – officially and certainly notarized: Djamila Rowe is the jungle queen. But how big was their advantage? And how did the results of the TV polls look up to the grand finale of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” the end? We can tell you.

In the past 16 days, the country has been dealing with three questions one after the other: Who has to take the jungle test? who flies And finally: Who the green hell is going to be jungle king or jungle queen?

As always, the answers to all these questions lay solely in the hands of the RTL viewers. Their calls decided the weal and woe of the candidates. However, they did not find out how clear or short the decisions were. At least until now.

RTL has all voting results since the start of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” made public and therefore transparent. The statistics show, for example, how far Tessa Bergmeier was elected to the jungle test on the first three days. On January 13, 29.35 percent voted for them. They were followed by Gigi Birofio (12.5 percent) and Cosimo Citiolo (10.59 percent).

The trio also formed the top three on the two following days. On January 14, Tessa came in at 28.63 percent, while Cosimo at 14.76 percent and Gigi at 13.37 percent swapped places. A day later it looked like this: Tessa (20.55 percent), Gigi (17.34 percent), Cosimo (12.99 percent).

The mood changed for the first time on the fourth day of the camp. Now Jana “Urkraft” Pallaske took first place with 15.98 percent, followed by Tessa (12.81 percent) and Lucas Cordalis (12.57 percent). On January 17, Tessa slipped another place in the “favor” of the viewers. Verena Kerth was chosen for the jungle test with 19.65 percent, while 15.84 percent voted for Claudia Effenberg and “only” 12.66 percent for Tessa.

On the other hand, Claudia can enter the next two days in red in the calendar as the dates on which she was punished by the audience. They accounted for 26.09 percent on January 18. Lucas with 11.38 percent and Tessa with 11.33 percent followed. On January 19, 15.81 percent voted for Claudia, 13.97 percent for Gigi and 11.10 percent for Cosimo – for the first time Tessa was not in the top three.

Markus Möhrl, Jolina Möllen, Papis Loveday, Cecilia Asoro and the later jungle queen Djamila Rowe were always quite a long way from having to take the exam. Only Cecilia scratched the top three a little on January 19 as fourth place with 9.39 percent.

But even more exciting than the public decisions on the jungle test are the votes on who should stay in the camp, which took place from January 20th. Not to mention the final results. We have summarized what it looked like here in a graphic.

In other words: Djamila Rowe’s victory was almost never in real danger. Only on January 21 and 26 did she slip to second place behind Lucas Cordalis. In the final, on the other hand, she clearly relegated both the pop singer and Gigi Birofio to their places.

(This article was first published on Monday, January 30, 2023.)