A ruling was released after disciplinary proceedings. The court found that Giuliani, a former Manhattan US attorney, had “proved false and misleading statements to judges, lawmakers, and the general public in his capacity of lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump, and the Trump campaign, in connection with Trump’s failed bid for reelection in 2020.”

The court stated that Giuliani’s conduct “immediately threatens the public interests and warrants interim suspension of the practice of law.”

His law license was suspended. This is a shocking blow for Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City. He was once a formidable legal force. Giuliani has been under criminal investigation for illegal lobbying by the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office in recent years. He denied any wrongdoing.

John Leventhal, Barry Kamins and Barry Kamins, Giuliani’s attorneys, stated in a statement that they were disappointed by the decision of the Appellate Divison, First Department to suspend Mayor Giuliani before he was given a hearing on the alleged issues. This is unprecedented, as our client does not present a danger to the public’s interest. We are confident that Mr. Giuliani, once all issues have been fully discussed at a hearing, will be reinstated to the legal profession as a valuable member of that profession that he has so ably served in so many capacities over the years.

Elie Honig, senior legal analyst at CNN, said that suspensions like these are not common.