Russia’s most prominent jailed opposition politician, Alexei Navalny, has sarcastically praised the polar conditions at the prison north of the Arctic Circle to which he was transferred shortly before Christmas.

Navalny, 47, was located in the IK-3 penal colony in Kharp, in the Yamal-Nenets region, about 1,900 kilometers northeast of Moscow, his supporters confirmed on December 25.

In a publication on the Telegram messaging application and on C,” Navalny said in the irony-laden publication.

“Nothing invigorates you like a walk through Yamal at 6.30 in the morning,” he says. “Even at this temperature, you can only walk for more than half an hour if you can grow a new nose, new ears and new fingers.” .

Navalny posted a photo of the courtyard (which can be seen at the top of this information): concrete walls, topped with metal bars, 11 steps long and three wide.

In addition, the opponent mentions a scene from the 2015 film ‘The Revenant’, in which Leonardo DiCaprio takes refuge in the corpse of a horse. “I don’t think that would have worked here. A dead horse would freeze in 15 minutes.” , said. “We need an elephant here, a hot elephant, a fried one.”

The ‘Polar Wolf’ colony is considered one of the harshest prisons in Russia. Most of the prisoners there have been convicted of serious crimes. Winters are harsh and temperatures are expected to drop to about 28 degrees below zero over the next week.

About 60 kilometers (40 miles) north of the Arctic Circle, the prison was founded in the 1960s as part of what was once the Gulag system of Soviet forced labor camps, according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.