The Bank had been headed by businessman Viktor Babaryko before it launched its campaign for a presidential candidacy. Babaryko want to compete in August against the ruling authoritarian incumbent Lukashenko.

Lukashenko called Babariko a “scoundrel”. It will not succeed as victims or political prisoners attitude. In the case of the Bank, there have been more than 15 arrests, said the President of the state Agency Belta said.

in Contrast, Babariko said it was a politically staged procedure. The Opposition has accused Lukashenko’s growing pressure on dissidents. They called on the public Prosecutor’s office in the capital, Minsk, also the threats of Violence to check the Lukashenko against his critics.

The Belgazprombank is a subsidiary of the Russian energy group Gazprom. This condemned the arrests and subsequent appointments within the Bank. It was a “shameless violation of Belarusian Law. Gazprom will take action legally against it.

The authorities of Belarus had stated on Thursday, it is a criminal investigation for tax evasion and money laundering against former and active bankers had been taken.

In a message to his supporters on YouTube Babaryko said that the raids against Belgazprombank and other companies with ties to him should exert “pressure”.

in Spite of the Corona-pandemic find on 9. August in Belarus presidential elections were held. Lukashenko is running for his sixth term in office. So far, no opposition was admitted a candidate.

The EU had called on Lukashenko, a fair and free election, to allow the activists to release. In the past, the West will be punished, reacted against the human rights sanctions.

Lukashenko has ruled Belarus since 1994 with an iron fist. The results of the last four presidential elections were not recognised by the election observers of the organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) because of fraud and intimidation.