The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has insisted on Monday that the repeal of any aspect of the 2012 labor reform, controversial these days by the different positions of PSOE and we can, will once be reached the agreement in the dialogue
Social and with the approval of the CEOE.

“The 2012 and the 2013 pension counter-reference broke social dialogue. All government is committed to extirparing work precariousness, promoting productivity and reestablishing balance in negotiation between employers and workers. These changes will be made, as it is.
He does in Europe, with a social dialogue and consensus vocation, “he has stressed during the closure of the Forum ‘Monitoring of recovery: beyond GDP’ held in the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

His message of tranquility towards the employer occurs in full crisis of government by the different positions maintained by the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, in favor of directly repealed the Labor Reformation of 2012, and the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, who does not want to subtract
Flexibility to the labor market.

This same afternoon the two parties that make up the coalition government will maintain a meeting to try to solve these differences and clarify whether it will be Díaz or Calviño who leads the meetings with employers and unions from now on to address labor reform.

This appointment at the Government Agenda coincides with the visit of the European Economics Commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni, who is in Madrid to meet different members of the Government and to know first-hand how the reforms committed with Brussels, especially the work and the pensions evolve

The executive has committed to the European Commission to have both reforms approved before the end of the year, but in order to raise the debate in social dialogue first has to reach an agreement internally to know what their pretensions are.

Yolanda Díaz has reiterated in the last week that the government’s purpose is to repeal the 2012 Labor Reform, a measure that they have warned institutions such as the Bank of Spain this morning in the Congress of Deputies would submit flexibility to companies and hinder the
Economic recovery.

The minister of work lamented this morning that the moment is delicate and that “there is a part of the government that does not want to change the model of the labor marking,” but Sánchez amended her shortly after ensuring that all the executive agrees.

“The position of the Government is unanimous and the commitment is unanimous with addressing a reform of the labor framework on the basis of social dialogue that allows us to improve the framework, eradicate the temporality and rebalance collective bargaining. Now the decisive phase begins to be
Reform adopted before the end of the year, “he stressed by his calviño, who has claimed that the government” has only one voice “.

The vice president has taken advantage, however, to remember his position in the government immediately below the president.
“There are different Social Dialogue Tables from the different ministries, but above these tables there is one for the recovery plan chaired by the president who has been gathering as well and when he does not, it is me who presides over those tables to guarantee
His articulation “, has stressed Calviño.

Gentiloni has been comprehensive with the discussions that occur within the Executive and has recommended that future reform seek “the balance between the safety of workers and the flexibility of companies.”

“We do not enter into internal dynamics of political discussion. Being Italian, I understand how normal it is to have political debates, but the government of course has a unanimous position, as the president and Nadia Calviño stressed. Regarding the content, we will value the proposals when
They reach Brussels, it is difficult to assess proposals that are in elaboration or before they are formally receiving them, “he said.