The round of the reluctance and disregard of the interest generalSánchez start the campaign from The white house with his account of attacks on Churches, Rivera and Married

Pedro Sanchez was playing to the limit with your health. In the month of July, despite having “many doubts”, even offered a vice-presidency and three ministries to United we Can. is Now it says that could not sleep nights. “I would be president of the Government. And it would be a president of the Government, not he will sleep for the night. Along with the 95% of citizens who also feel calm,” he said in an interview in The Sixth.

That is what led him to “not accept” the demands of the Churches ministries such as Finance, Ecological Transition or Work.

Sanchez has been accused by the formation of Churches of lack of experience and management public , pretending to be two governments running in parallel and not be reliable for him in relation to the issue Catalan. “Today I could be president if he had chosen the easy way out,” said Sanchez, in a calculated strategy of victimization.

Has been started in an informal election campaign and the president of the Government on functions, has become your preferred partner in your enemy preferred . But the distance is still greater with Albert Rivera, who has been accused, without being that way, having expelled the leaders of his party for wanting to make a pact with the PSOE. Has been defined as “science fiction” the possibility of forming a Government with him after the 10-N. In the flat opposite standing Íñigo Errejón.

Faced with the possibility of return to the national policy, the president has said to contemplate “very notable differences in how to understand the policy Errejón and how to understand the lord’s Churches”. Has put for example the will of the leader of Most Madrid of support to Ángel Gabilondo in a covenant, although that formula is needed even to Citizens. Knows Sanchez with Errejón the covenant would be simple and with Churches a torture. This night has again ruled out a coalition with him: “If it has demonstrated anything it is that the approach with UP is unworkable.”