“There is no intrusion, there is collaboration, coordination”.
Thus, the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has responded on Friday, the complaints of his executive partners for the “interference” of the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, in the `Derogation of labor reform.
The President, who is in Brussels, where he has attended the last two days of a European Council, has sought a neutral language, conciliatory, nothing aggressive, but the message of him is clear: “Negotiate the government”, not a ministry alone

The spirits are weathered in the coalition. Ione Belarra, on behalf of the United States, we can and the Vice President Yolanda Díaz, believe that labor reform is its negotiated and that Calviño must have a secondary role, not the main one. The president, however, has repeated up to four occasions that it is a collective effort, not individual. “The Government agrees, and we have spoken with the European Commission, which the labor reform will be approved before the year, the Coalition Government agrees on a comprehensive reform to definitively eliminate the many ills of the Market, such as precariousness but also the creation of employment. On the method, we are talking about structural reform, which affects many ministries. At least five, such as work, economy, social security, education, hacienda … are at least Five those affected directly by the debate on labor reform. There is no interference, there is collaboration, coordination, contribution by all ministers to come out an important reform that the economy needs, “said the president.

Sánchez has several times avoided if the main negotiating, the coordinator, is Calviño or Díaz, but his silence, after Up’s complaints, is as eloquent as a position taking out loud.
He would qualify the verb, “he has pointed out on the doubt of whether there is a change of functions.” In the housing law, other ministries have worked.
In the general budgets of the State are secretaries of United States we can because there was interest because it affects each and every one of the ministries.
It is not intervening, it is to contribute, is to collaborate.
Everyone has to contribute their vision to achieve the best result.
We are facing a great opportunity, “has been supporting Calviño’s outstanding role as a main voice, and in some cases even last, from the process.” Negotiates the Government, the Government, because it is one of the most important reforms of the Legislature.
It is more laborious, but it is the most effective method, “he concluded.

This month the so-called Heads of Mission, the specialized technicians of the European Commission, were in Madrid to speak with all the interlocutors, from Moncloa to work through economics and social security or social agents and employers.
Spain has already received a first disbursement of 9,000 million euros from the Community recovery plan and expects a second, from 10,000 million, at the end of the year.
In theory that is guaranteed, since the milestones and reforms that are required for each payment are already fulfilled.
But there is a third payment, in spring, which is more complicated, because it demands deep in labor matters.
And there it explodes all because without fulfilling everything there is a real risk of a partial disbursement and the first stigma.

Calviño is the main interlocutor with Brussels, by and for that he was chosen by Sánchez. She former general director of the commission, she knows perfectly and is a friend of most of the senior officials and commissaries who supervise the Spanish plan. It is the responsibility of Limar asperities, of generating confidence. So far the negotiation has been slow, thorough, but cordial. The difficult thing comes when it is planted fully on the issues that are more choked in the coalition of government, and labor reform is the axis on which it orbit everything. Brussels has received this month the Spanish budget draft for 2021, they are studying it, but the fact that in the Macroeconomic Table Moncloa maintains high growth forecasts despite the impact of the rise of light and brutal revision downward That the INE has made GDP growth in the second quarter generates many doubts. The same happens with a pending fiscal reform of the report of an expert commission, which is expected for February as soon as soon. That is why the first vice president has had to redouble efforts and promises these weeks.

United we can denounce “interference” and it is no surprise, for content and pure politics, because with Vice President Díaz assuming a main role, and while conforming a movement, it is a clear goal for wear.
The fight between ministers, and not only between Calviño and Yolanda Díaz, is constant since the executive was formed.
The worldview is irreconcilable and although on day to day they have managed to understand the labor reform is red line, but for all.
The Europe Commission is not immovable, it is not the same as in 2012, nor in methods or objectives and for months has been patient, understanding that it is better that there is a broad consensus for transcendental changes than unilateral measures, and that is why it has been
Given a lot of margin to Diaz to develop its proposals and speak with employers and unions.

Its requirement is to have some sanitary accounts in the agreed deadlines, but the way to achieve them is discretionary, as long as it is realistic and does not exceed the legal thresholds.
Labor reform, together with pensions, are the two major structural reforms launched by Spain in the last decade, the only ones of a really admirable draft, according to the Commission, and that is why it bothers you to touch without a guarantee
Clara that the consequences are calculated, controlled and will be compensated in some way.
And, for now, there is no, hence the pressure of Calviño to brake each step given for work.