“Oooooandaaaaaaaa viiiiiiiitaaaaaaal!”
And Sandra Sánchez made the gesture of Son Goku with his brother Paco, the legs flexed, the dolls together, the fingers in tension, all from behind forward as in a tennis drive.
The series of cartoon dragon ball was the favorite of her girl at home and so much he scored that she always travels with seven balls in the suitcase and so much scored that she is the best in history in something similar.

Sánchez competes in Kata, the modality of the Karate that evaluates the movements of this martial art, without rivals, with jury, and when we say compete we want to say that he wins.
Since January 2015 – you are years and a half! “He has never dropped out of the podium, in no competition, be big or small, and that has been valid to be number one of the world ranking in all this time, an unusual fact.
This Thursday (from 12.30 am) the culmen of the race of him should arrive.
Never in the history of the Olympic Games there was a clearer medal for Spain.

Sánchez does not stop laughing, the joy that has always pushed him;
Without it, impossible.
The story of her is a story of insistence, over and over again, again and again, since she was very young.
When she was four years old pointed to her brother Paco from her to Karate and her, the ballet and there she began her crusade.
“I was going to the gym every day and I asked to stay with my brother. I caught some tantrums … At the end my parents, to stop, they pointed me thinking I would tire in a few weeks. And look …”, Remember Sánchez that
As soon as he was a young promise as he stopped being him.
As a teenager she received a scholarship to live in the center of High Performance (Car) of Madrid, but a month she decided to park her to take care of her mother, cancer, and that endangered her career.
In the offices they did not understand it, in the offices they considered that she was no longer worth.

And when he returned, he ignored her for years and had to look for another way.
“After an international competition in Dubai, they offered me to work at a club from there [the Shabab al-Ahli Dubai FC], competing all over the world, giving class to children, with very good condition and changed my life
“He describes who practically from that moment, when he was 33 years old, he has not known the defeat again.
With a full dedication in Karate, she won two Europeans and her first medal in a World Cup and returned to Spain already with a name.
By then, another moment of insistence, she had already achieved that Jesus of Moral was the coach of him, the aspiration of him since young man, and had already polished a technique that in the sport of him seems insurmountable.

For her, in reality, it is now or never.
On the one hand, Karate appears in the Olympic Games as Deference of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to the Organizing Country, Japan, but will disappear for the next Games of Paris 2024 and is unlikely to return.
On the other, Sánchez will turn next September 40 and the withdrawal of him crave close.
A few months ago the Spanish Federation appointed her for the Sub21, Junior and Cadet teams and the future of it seems directed there, the bench.

“I do not know when I’ll leave it, but it’s clear that this is not infinite, I would like it to be a beautiful moment, also that it could be with public, with people. Then I’m sure I’ll stay a lot of Kárate to offer,” he says before his
Large moment this Thursday at the mythical Nippon Budokan of Tokyo.
The medal of it seems assured, the clearest in the history of Spain, but if she at some point she doubts she already knows where she can take out the strength: “oooooandaaaaaaa viiiiiiiiitaaaaaaal!”