The UN requires to Riyadh to clarify the attack more lethal of the year in YemenLas saudis will be able to travel but will continue to be discriminated against in their paĆ­sEl alleged “brain” of the 11-S will be judged from January 2021

Saudi Arabia announced yesterday its intention to begin uranium enrichment within a plan of development of nuclear energy in the future could have a military use. During a visit to the united States last year, the crown Prince and Defence minister, arabia, Mohamed bin Salman , already warned that the arab kingdom’s intention to explore a program of development of nuclear weapons if Iran, its main rival in the middle East, continued along this path.

As said yesterday, the Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman , the new minister of Energy arabia, his country “is moving forward with caution, but without pause by means of tests on its two nuclear reactors”, reports Reuters. It is, to date, the admission more and more clear by the authorities of Saudi Arabia have decided to accelerate the race for nuclear in the Persian Gulf. Asked yesterday, the spokespersons of the american diplomacy refused to assess those revelations until we have more details on the nuclear program.

Bin Salman has been named minister of Energy, after one of the most profound changes and significant in the dome of the regime. Now this son of the king oversees all matters relating to the production of energy in one of the major powers for oil in the world. His first public act has been to the conference in the United Arab Emirates has announced that his country will continue advancing in the enrichment of uranium. In addition, it has been committed in that appearance to negotiate controls on the production of crude oil by the countries Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The crown arabia scored a goal in march when the White House allowed several american firms to participate in the initial phases of a contract to develop the nuclear energy program of the arab kingdom. The cooperation of government and military between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia was questioned after the murder of dissident Jamal Khashoggi , who resided in Washington, during a visit to the consulate of your country in Istanbul last October. However, and despite pressure from his own party on Capitol hill, the president, Donald Trump is refusing to rescind any contract or program of assistance.

civilian Consumption

After considering several pathways to develop a nuclear programme, the saudi authorities have decided to enrich their own uranium, as Iran does. For this reason, they have taken the competition several contracts that have been presented to U.S. companies, Russia, South Korea, China, and France. If the u.s. companies are selected, the crown arabia will sign an agreement by which it agrees that its nuclear plants will produce only energy for civilian consumption.

That is precisely the argument with which Iran defends nuclear program of its own, but has to date not been able to convince of his sincerity to Washington.

The president Trump withdrew from the agreement to denuclearize in 2015 and since then has issued several rounds of sanctions, each of which harder, to exert pressure on the regime of the ayatollahs.

Iran has accelerated in the past few months the enrichment of uranium until you reach the gates of equipped with nuclear weapons, a red line for both the U.S. and the European Union. For the moment, only have nuclear weapons-U.S., Russia, China, Uk, France, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.