Dresden (dpa/sn) – The alliance “The Better Daycare Center” in Saxony has asked for more money for additional staff in the daycare centers with a view to the 2023/2024 double budget. It is about the financing of downtime due to vacation, further education or illness, these must be taken into account when calculating the care key, according to a statement from the association, which according to its own statements includes practitioners, parents and daycare providers, on Sunday in Dresden. If the draft is not improved, “one runs into an emergency of early education with one’s eyes wide open”.

The alliance criticized that the “care ratio, which is already poor in a national comparison” does not reflect reality. Experiences in everyday daycare showed that 20 percent of the educators were not there at all. This puts a greater burden on the staff present, “because they have to take care of more children”. In a position paper, the alliance therefore demands that in 2023 initially five percent and from 2024 ten percent of the working time of a specialist be planned as downtime and additional staff be financed for this.