Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The state association of Jewish communities in Saxony-Anhalt was dismayed by a class chat by police students with racist and anti-Semitic content. “We expect the Ministry of the Interior to fully investigate the facts with consequences for the guilty, but also with a rehabilitation of the innocent,” the association said on Thursday. The police represent the democratic principles and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, and this task should not be underestimated by the officers. The transmission of values ​​must be anchored in education and training.

At the same time, the association warned “against a politically motivated generalization”. Police officers were part of society, as were representatives of other professions. “There have always been appalling, anti-Semitic incidents in other professions.” The issue is not only a matter within the police, but also a widespread problem in society.

Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) made public on Wednesday that 18 police officers are to be fired because they are said to have been involved in a class chat with content glorifying violence as police students. The chat existed from September 2017 to December 2021. At least 50 of over 5,000 individual messages were anti-Semitic, racist or glorified violence. Criminal investigations were initiated against 4 of the 18 police officers for using license plates of unconstitutional organizations, hate speech and distribution of violent and animal pornography.