Harz district (dpa/sa) – The clothing stores in the Harz district are sounding the alarm. In the current situation and because of the temperatures, more people than usual are dependent on support, the Harz district announced on Monday. The clothing stores are therefore running out of warm clothing, and many contact points are empty. The district and the carriers of the clothing stores have therefore asked for support and called for donations of well-preserved winter clothing.

Warm items of clothing such as jackets, trousers, shoes, hats, scarves, gloves and blankets are urgently needed. The central contact point for asylum seekers in Halberstadt is also looking for winter clothing for men, as well as shoes and pots and pans.

The clothing stores help people in need to cover a basic supply of clothing and shoes. In the district of Harz there are clothing stores in, among other places, Halberstadt, Wernigerode and Quedlinburg.