Magdeburg/Berlin (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) sees the federal and state agreements on relief in the energy crisis, on public transport and the financing of refugee admission as a success. “We have achieved significantly more for us as states and municipalities and also for the citizens than was originally foreseeable,” said the head of government of the German Press Agency on Wednesday evening. “It is a package that is an acceptable solution within the scope of what is now financially feasible in Germany, even after the last tax estimate.”

The billions for gas price and electricity price caps, for example, have now been activated. Additional support has been agreed for cultural institutions and hospitals. “This has greatly reduced the need on the ground.” Haseloff went on to say, “You can always ask for more, but it’s a success.” A certain level of security can be guaranteed for people and institutions.

A hardship fund is also being discussed, for which the federal government is giving one billion euros, and with which hardship cases in the private and economic sectors can be regulated in addition to the relief packages.

The agreement on the Germany ticket with a starting price of 49 euros is important. Haseloff emphasized the federal government’s increased regionalization funds for the states. This way you can get out of trouble and no longer have to reduce the supply in view of the cost increases for diesel and electricity. Rather, this could be qualitatively improved in key areas if necessary. “We’ve fought through it now and that’s pretty good in the balance sheet.”

Haseloff described the fact that the federal government is supporting the federal states with additional billions in accommodating refugees as a breakthrough. For the current year, the federal government wants to provide an additional 1.5 billion euros, and further additional funds are also planned for the coming year. “It’s really extra money,” Haseloff said.