Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – For the first time in 320 years, a bell has been cast for Magdeburg Cathedral. It was built in Neunkirchen in Baden-Württemberg and, with its six tons, is to be part of the new cathedral bell, as the Evangelical Cathedral Church announced on Sunday. The bell with the name Anemus (“let us love”) will be greeted in a solemn hour in the cathedral on October 30th. Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Mayor of Magdeburg Simone Borris (independent) and Bishop Friedrich Kramer are expected to attend.

Before the bell can be placed in the north tower, renovation work is still necessary. In addition, the appropriate clapper would have to be forged. A cathedral bell association founded in 2018 has set itself the goal of equipping the cathedral with a ringing of twelve bells that can be rung again. He collects donations and grants. The cathedral currently has four bells.

The next six smaller bells are to be cast at Easter 2023. They, too, should first be seen in the cathedral. Even then, further structural steps are necessary, according to the information, a ringing order and the installation of the appropriate ringing technology are also indispensable.