Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The state cabinet has extended the current corona rules for Saxony-Anhalt until the end of September. The State Chancellery announced on Tuesday in Magdeburg that the previous regulations, such as the obligation to wear masks and tests in medical and nursing facilities, will remain in place. In addition, medical mouth and nose protection must continue to be worn in local public transport.

On October 1st there should be a new containment ordinance based on the new Federal Infection Protection Act. Then, among other things, an FFP2 mask requirement will apply nationwide for passengers in long-distance public transport, as well as for patients and visitors in medical practices and day clinics. The obligation then also exists in hospitals and nursing homes. Depending on the pandemic situation, the countries can decide on further protective measures.

The Robert Koch Institute gave the incidence for Saxony-Anhalt on Tuesday with 234.5 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and seven days. The number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher.