Salzwedel (dpa/sa) – In view of the high energy prices, Saxony-Anhalt’s SPD parliamentary group has spoken out in favor of better support for companies. Saxony-Anhalt should soon launch its own relief package with a volume of 500 to 600 million euros, it said on Tuesday after a meeting of the SPD parliamentary group in Salzwedel. The program was intended to support small and medium-sized businesses.

“In addition to this immediate measure, we expect that the finance minister will also take the expected cost increases into account in the draft budget for 2023,” said parliamentary group leader Katja Pähle, according to a statement.

The state cabinet also dealt with the high energy prices on Tuesday. Energy Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) then called for rapid relief from the federal government. In the coming week, the Prime Ministers’ Conference will deal with the third relief package planned by the federal government. Saxony-Anhalt is governed by a coalition of the CDU, SPD and FDP.