Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Energy Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) sees a clear relaxation on the subject of energy security. “A gas shortage is no longer to be expected this winter,” said Willingmann on Tuesday in Magdeburg. There is no indication of a blackout. However, it is still about using energy carefully and sparingly. “In my opinion, there is currently a high level of awareness of the problem both in industry and in the private use of energy, and there is a willingness to achieve something by making savings.” Among other things, Willingmann referred to the alternatives to Russian gas and the high filling levels of the gas storage facilities.

The energy price brake is also helping to stabilize the situation. “What the federal government is doing there, what was also decided jointly in the Bundestag, that helps a lot to calm down and will ultimately be crowned with success.”

The minister said the hardship provisions under the relief also include 1.8 billion euros for consumers who heat with pellets, oil and coal. About 50 million euros can be expected for Saxony-Anhalt. It still has to be clarified under which conditions the money will be sufficient in the federal states. The state government will deal with which quick procedure can be chosen to bring the money to the consumer. Clarification is expected in January.