Lausnitz/Schleiz (dpa/th) – Unknown persons apparently illegally disposed of 34 adult, dead ducks at the edge of a forest near Lausnitz near Neustadt (Saale-Orla district). As the district office in Schleiz announced on Tuesday, the animals were discovered on Monday not far from a hide on a sloping embankment, in the immediate vicinity of the Neunhofen storage facility and the alluvial pond.

“Since it is not about wild ducks, but domestic poultry, the suspicion of illegal disposal of the carcasses is obvious,” said the veterinary office, according to a statement. Some of the animals are now being examined by the Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection. The veterinary office is asking witnesses who noticed something near the site or who could say something about the dead animals.

The veterinary office pointed out that dead cattle – including poultry – should be disposed of properly. This is particularly important with a view to the spread of animal disease pathogens such as avian influenza. The avian influenza pathogen has not yet been detected in the Saale-Orla district.