Dresden (dpa / sn) – After the major fire in the Dresden industrial area, the extent of the damage is not yet foreseeable. The affected tenants of the building could be granted access in the coming week at the earliest, explained Dresden’s Mayor Dirk Hilbert (FDP). The heat on site is still great, it said. Sometimes there are still flaring embers. In addition to a waste sorting facility, the site also houses offices, band rehearsal rooms and the “Sector Evolution” club. According to the fire department, they were affected to varying degrees by the fire.

“I can understand the concern of many of those affected,” explained Hilbert. One understands the unrest of the tenants, but at the same time we ask for your understanding for the decision not to grant access yet. “It is very fortunate that no one was injured in this devastating fire and it must remain so. Immediately after the fire, I gave my offices the order to look for possible alternative locations for those affected.”

Four days after the fire, the fire brigade had declared their mission over on Tuesday. Now experts are to determine whether the high temperatures and the use of extinguishing agents affect the statics of the building. The fire broke out in the area of ​​the waste sorting plant on Friday evening. The cause is still unclear.