Zwickau (dpa/sn) – A 29-year-old is said to have broken off her planned theft in Zwickau and spent the night in the false ceiling of a supermarket. As the police announced on Thursday, the woman hid in the toilet of a large supermarket on Tuesday evening. After closing time, she first tried to pry open the door to the shopping area with pliers. When that didn’t work, the 29-year-old climbed into the false ceiling and wanted to gain access to the inside of the store. According to her own statement, however, she became afraid of heights and then stayed the night in the false ceiling.

Police arrested the woman early Wednesday morning. A drug wipe test that was carried out was positive for crystal meth. Since there was an open arrest warrant against the 29-year-old, she was taken to a prison for the coming night. The police are investigating a particularly serious case of theft.