Leipzig (dpa / sn) – A 39-year-old driver left his lane on Autobahn 14 and drove into a truck. The 39-year-old and his three occupants in the back seat were slightly injured in the accident on Friday morning, his passenger seriously, the police said. Accordingly, the 39-year-old was driving on the BAB14 in the direction of Nossen when the fully occupied car left the left lane at Leising and collided with the truck. As a result of the collision, the car and the truck became wedged and only came to a standstill after about 360 meters. The seriously injured passenger had to be removed from the car by the fire department. All five occupants of the car were taken to a hospital, the driver of the truck was unharmed in the accident.

The total damage is estimated by the police at around 50,000 euros. The police are investigating the exact cause of the accident. The motorway had to be temporarily closed during the rescue work on Friday morning.