Dresden (dpa/sn) – The hotels and restaurants in Saxony are feeling growing uncertainty among consumers in view of inflation. According to the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), 67 percent of the companies in a survey stated that guests were becoming increasingly cautious when it came to consumption. 20 percent said no, 13 percent were unable to assess the situation.

When asked about the biggest challenges, 84.8 percent of the companies indicated rising energy costs and 82.2 percent rising food costs. Personnel costs (71.7 percent), acute staff shortages (55.6 percent) and sales declines (50.5 percent) follow in the ranking of problems. 100 companies took part in the survey.

“If you look at the sales, in June they are still two percent below the monthly value of 2019,” it said. In relation to the last year before the pandemic (2019), sales in the 2022 industry fell by eleven percent in the months from January to June.