Dresden (dpa/sn) – The State Sports Association of Saxony will be provided with 57.6 million euros for the coming years. Representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Sports Association signed a corresponding grant agreement on Thursday, as a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior announced. The contract comes into effect on January 1st. Compared to 2022, there are 2.5 million euros more each year for 2023 and 2024. This should further strengthen the structures in organized sport, it said.

According to the agreement, 10.3 million euros are to be made available annually for the development of popular sports and 600,000 euros to support the purchase of large sports equipment. A good 3 million euros are earmarked for club development and around 3.7 million euros for association development. In addition, talent development is funded with 10.1 million euros. The office of the State Sports Association receives a grant of 1.1 million euros per year.

On January 1, 2022, 649,846 people were organized in 4,402 sports clubs in Saxony. According to its own statement, the State Sports Association of Saxony is the largest civil organization in the Free State.