Dresden (dpa / sn) – Many young people in Saxony only accepted their apprenticeship out of necessity. Despite an oversupply of training places, 27 percent of the young people stated that the chosen specialty was an emergency solution or an unplanned alternative, the German trade union federation announced on Friday after evaluating a survey. There is a demonstrable connection between the satisfaction of trainees with their training and the question of whether a place could be found in the desired training, explained the deputy DGB boss Daniela Kolbe.

“With the help of career orientation, more work must be done in future to ensure that young people can get an overview of the current training market very early on and thus find suitable training more often,” concluded Kolbe. It is positive for the young people that there are more training places in Saxony than applicants and that they have a very good chance of finding a suitable training place. “It looks very different in many federal states.” The dual vocational training must become more attractive, which can only be achieved with a massive expansion of collective bargaining and co-determination structures.

Vincent Drews, head of the DGB-Jugend Sachsen, sees “a lot of room for improvement” with regard to the survey in careers advice. Only 30 percent of those surveyed found the vocational orientation at schools to be helpful. The careers advice provided by the Employment Agency was rated very differently. “Here, 61 percent stated that this helped in the search for the right training.” However, only a good third of those questioned (34 percent) found their way to careers advice from the Employment Agency.

The situation is also unsatisfactory when it comes to takeovers, it said. “At the time of the survey, only 38 percent of the trainees had a promise of employment after the training,” emphasized Alexander Kerwel from the DGB youth: “Our demand as union youth has been permanent employment for all trainees for years. Unfortunately, we are still a long way from that away.”

For the training report 2022 of the DGB-Jugend Sachsen, 587 trainees from Saxony who are doing dual training were surveyed.