Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony’s Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) has proven himself as a reader at a fundraiser for children from Ukraine. As the Ukrainian House – a meeting center for refugees and the Dresden population – announced on Wednesday, Piwarz read from the book “No, I’m not tired!/Yes, I want to go to bed!” at an event on Tuesday evening. by Oksana Bula. A dozen children between the ages of four and seven listened to the minister. The meeting center then received a book donation from the “Dresden Place to be” association.

The donation is part of a project of the “Better Time Stories” initiative, which helps refugee children from Ukraine to receive a welcome package with bilingual, interactive books. Each book is also available as an audio book. Using a QR code, family members can also read from the books to the children far away. At the same time, the books should help the children to become familiar with the German language.