Riesa (dpa/sn) – In the collective bargaining dispute at Pasta Riesa GmbH, its management has accused the Food, Enjoyment and Restaurants Union (NGG) of endangering the company’s future with “unrealistic demands”. In Riesa, one encounters a “union that is not willing to negotiate,” the company said on Wednesday on request. In the first round of negotiations at the end of August, the management had already offered a wage increase in two stages totaling 10 percent within a good year. “This very extensive offer goes well beyond the usual wage agreements and underlines the solidarity towards the workforce in these difficult times,” it said.

The local collective bargaining commission – mainly the NGG – rejected this offer “without in-depth discussion”, it said. At the same time, it was made clear that the Teigwaren Riesa GmbH is an independent company and that decisions on wage increases are made in Riesa: “Bargaining negotiations are conducted exclusively in Riesa.”

The management reacted to an announcement by the NGG that they wanted to protest this Thursday in Trochtelfingen (Baden-Württemberg). The Swabian pasta manufacturer Alb-Gold has its headquarters there. Alb-Gold and Pasta Riesa belong to the Freidler family of entrepreneurs. The trip to Trochtelfingen is symbolic of overcoming borders, NGG representative Olaf Klenke emphasized on Tuesday. About 150 employees work in Riesa. According to NGG, many of them have an hourly wage of just over 12 euros. The union wants two euros more per hour by the end of 2023. The company’s offer is 1.20 euros.