Leipzig (dpa/sn) – At the beginning of the new training year, the Saxony State Directorate welcomed 90 junior staff. Students and trainees should go through various career training courses for the Saxon state administration, as the state administration announced on Wednesday in Dresden. “The diverse tasks in public administration will certainly challenge you – but it’s worth it,” says the President of the Saxony State Directorate, Regina Kraushaar, at the start of the training.

After their practical and varied training, the trainees and students have very good and reliable employment prospects, Kraushaar continues. The young professionals complete their training at the Meissen University of Applied Sciences and at the Bobritzsch Training Center, among others. They are active, for example, in the areas of law, public finance and administrative management.

With around 1,600 employees at three locations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig, the Saxony State Directorate is one of the largest authorities in the Free State.