Pirna/Dresden (dpa/sn) – Saxony wants to help the hotels, restaurants and shops affected by the forest fire in Saxon Switzerland and reduce their financial losses. As the “Sächsische Zeitung” (Friday) reported, aid of around two million euros is planned. The Ministry of Tourism only confirmed plans for an aid program that is to be discussed in the cabinet shortly. Tourism Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU) had already announced aid for the hospitality industry during a visit to the region.

According to information from the “Sächsische Zeitung”, companies in the national park region should receive help. Companies in Bad Schandau and Sebnitz would be given more consideration because they were more affected, it said. They should get a fixed sum for August and September, everyone else only for August. In order to get help, there must be a drop in sales of at least 30 percent.

On July 25, a forest fire broke out in the rear part of Saxon Switzerland near Schmilka on the border with the Czech Republic. The district office of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains then imposed a forest ban for the entire district. In the meantime, it has been lifted again except for the immediate fire area. However, hotels and guesthouses had received mass cancellations. Therefore, many companies in the hospitality industry feared for their existence. The Elbe Sandstone Mountains are a popular hiking area. For many vacationers, this is the main reason for vacationing in the region.