Dresden (dpa/sn) – On Wednesday, on the nationwide day of action to combat hate postings on the Internet, the accused were also questioned in Saxony and their homes were searched. According to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA), three women and nine men between the ages of 16 and 66 are under investigation. It’s about slander, use of signs of unconstitutional organizations, incitement to hatred, threats, insults and violations of the weapons law. Officials from the Soko Rex of the LKA and the police were active in Chemnitz, Zwickau, Plauen, Reichenbach (Vogtland), Zittau and Dresden.

In connection with the day of action coordinated by the Federal Criminal Police Office, the authorities in a total of 14 federal states have been taking action against criminal hate postings on the Internet since the morning. According to the information provided in Saxony, these are predominantly to be classified as right-wing motivated. It is about xenophobia and xenophobia as well as the confrontation with the state, its institutions and symbols, in the area on the left about the confrontation against the right and anti-fascism. Postings that cannot be assigned are also directed against the state and its institutions, as well as corona protection measures.

Apart from criminal prosecution, the day of action is also intended to educate and sensitize the population to dealing with potentially radical and criminally relevant statements in social networks.