Dresden (dpa/sn) – In the first half of this year, seven employees of the Saxon police were suspected of being extremists. This is evident from the new situation report of the Coordination Center for Combating Extremism, the Ministry of the Interior announced on Tuesday. The cases revolved around racism, a lack of distance to right-wing extremist ideas or a delegitimization of the state. The seven police officers are accused of eight facts. There is also a corona reference six times.

The management report is prepared every six months. Since the beginning of 2017, 62 facts related to extremism have become known. Six candidates were dismissed, and nine disciplinary measures such as fines or cuts in salaries were imposed.

The coordination office has an overview of the entire business area of ​​the Ministry of the Interior. These include around 18,000 employees, most of whom work for the police. The business area also includes the university for administration, the state administration, the state archive, the state statistical office, the protection of the constitution and the state fire brigade and disaster control school.