Dresden (dpa/sn) – The Dresden Public Prosecutor’s Office is currently conducting seven investigations into suspected left-wing extremism. Two of them deal with attacks on the “Bulls Eye” restaurant in Eisenach (Thuringia) and its owner as well as raids in Eilenburg and Erfurt (Thuringia), as a spokeswoman for the judicial authority said on request. In addition, there are two investigations each into suspected left-wing attacks on alleged political opponents in Leipzig in 2019 and against two Germans on charges of evading criminal prosecution.

In addition, according to the spokeswoman, investigations are being carried out into a woman who is being prosecuted by the public prosecutor’s office in Naumburg (Saxony-Anhalt) for violating the Data Protection Act. There is a suspicion of a data query in connection with suspected left-wing robberies in Saxony. In addition, there is an allegation of aiding and abetting dangerous bodily harm.

The currently known case involving suspected left-wing extremists from Saxony concerns the case against the student Lina E. The Higher Regional Court of Saxony has been negotiating against the young woman from Kassel and three men since September 2021. The federal prosecutor accuses them of being members of the right-wing scene between 2018 and 2020 to have beaten up in Leipzig, Wurzen and Eisenach. They are also accused of forming a criminal organization, of which Lina E. is seen as the head. The defense considers this accusation to be fabricated and speaks of a “politicized procedure”. All four have so far remained silent on the allegations. The trial is still in the middle of taking evidence – and will continue in early February.

The “Leipziger Volkszeitung” recently reported that at least four other people from Lina E.’s environment are to be brought to justice, including a woman. Among other things, they are suspected of being members of a criminal organization and are said to have been involved in various actions. The federal prosecutor’s office declined to comment. The public prosecutor’s office in Dresden pointed out that she herself was not preparing any charges against other suspected left-wing extremists or accomplices from Lina E.’s environment.