Bad Gottleuba-Berggiesshübel (dpa/sn) – The federal police stopped a suspected smuggler in Bad Gottleuba-Berggiesshübel near the Czech border on Autobahn 17. The 32-year-old’s bus, which was coming from the Czech Republic, included five men from Vietnam, according to the federal police on Monday. Only one of the passengers was able to show the corresponding travel documents during the check on Sunday in the district of Saxon Switzerland-Osterzgebirge.

The others had no residence permit in their documents and were sent back to the Czech Republic, it was said. The 32-year-old is now being investigated on suspicion of smuggling in foreigners.

On Sunday, emergency services also discovered six children and young people from Somalia and Syria at a junction of the A 17, which the smugglers had dropped off there, according to the federal police. They were taken to the youth welfare office.