Leipzig (dpa/sn) – The infection situation and the high level of sick leave are currently having a negative effect on the supply of blood products in Saxony. “Flu, Corona and colds affect the amount of donations,” said Kerstin Schweiger from the DRK Blood Donation Service Northeast on Wednesday on request. The supply situation in Bavaria is stable at a low level, but could deteriorate quickly.

After a corona infection, blood can only be donated again four weeks after recovery. “And even after taking antibiotics, the waiting time is four weeks,” explained Schweiger.

It is made more difficult by the fact that there are numerous public holidays, which means that fewer appointments are offered. “In addition, the holiday season will soon be upon us, when many people who otherwise donate regularly will be away.” Therefore, the blood donation dates on December 23rd and 30th are extremely important to ensure the supply in the hospitals. Reservations are required for all blood donation appointments.

About 20 percent of blood supplies are needed for cancer patients alone. According to the DRK, the blood platelets that are important for this group of patients can only be kept for five days. The conventional blood preserves, on the other hand, about six weeks.

Schweiger appealed to the people of Saxony to donate blood as a good resolution for the new year. “Three lives can be saved with half a liter of blood.”