Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony wants to equip every ABC shooter with a “sugar cone check” in the amount of 100 euros. SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Panter spoke on Monday in Dresden of a matter close to the heart of his parliamentary group. The money should be used to pay for teaching materials such as notebooks, books and pens. Around 4.5 million euros have been budgeted for each of the next three years.

The coalition factions of the CDU, Greens and SPD had agreed on joint amendments for the 2023 and 2024 double budget last week. A total of around 300 amendments came from the coalition members alone. CDU parliamentary group leader Christian Hartmann assumes that the double budget will ultimately amount to a little more than 49 billion euros.

2.4 billion euros are to flow to deal with the energy crisis alone. Two billion euros are planned for the co-financing of the federal relief packages, 200 million euros each for cases of hardship and additional costs for daycare centers, culture and consumer protection. For the first time, the Saxon food banks are also supported with 500,000 euros per year.

Saxony’s black-green-red government agreed in the summer on a record budget for the next two years. The government draft envisages 48.5 billion euros – around 5.5 billion euros more than in the current double budget. As a result of the amendments, this sum will again increase slightly.