Mustache Arrocet became the second expelled of Secret Story during the Gala issued on Thursday, September 23 in Telecinco.
The contestant had to say goodbye to ‘reality’ after receiving 75.6% of the votes from the public.
Miguel Frigenti, the other nominated after the salvation of Cristina Porta and Emmy Russ, stayed with 24.4%.

Jorge Javier Vázquez gave the opportunity to the two of saying a few words before revealing the name of the eliminated one.
“Now I see you,” said the journalist.
“That is what God wants, as usual,” said the humorist.

The presenter announced that Arrocet was the person had to leave the house.
The former of Maria Teresa Campos was quiet, while Supported him was very surprised.
The two got a hug.

The Collaborator of Sálvame gave him a beautiful words to be expelled: “Jo, I love you so much, thank you for everything, for helping me manage anxiety and for everything you’ve taught me these days. Here you have a friend, I swear.”

The driver of ‘reality’ asked Edmundo how he was and if he was nervous about going out.
He replied that he was well and said that he did not feel any concern for facing reality: “I have my supertenchain consciousness.”

Before leaving the house, mustache arrocet had to reveal what his secret was.
The humorous unlocked that his was one of the most surreal and that the greatest impact had caused between the spectators: “I am a brother of my father.”

The humorist explained: “I was born in Buenos Aires and when I enrolled in the role of birth were wrong and put my father’s name and surname. That document in Argentina is not changed because it is the one that comes out in the birth certificate, then
I’m my dad’s brother. ”
He admitted that it is something “complicated to understand” and said that he had managed to correct this situation in Chile, but not in Argentina.

Mustache Arrocet reached Secret Story’s set after becoming the second expelled of the program.
Jorge Javier Vázquez interviewed him and asked him about the rupture of him with Maria Teresa Fields.
He told him again, as he had already done in the ‘reality’.

The contestant recalled that the day of his birthday had argued with the presenter: “I went to hit him at the door in case he wanted to go out and did not open,” he did not want to know anything, we’re sorry. ‘”
The next day at breakfast he told him: “I’ve been very happy with you, I’m leaving.”

The comedian reacted to the criticisms that Carmen Borrego and Terelu Fields have dedicated to him: “Let them say what they want, but the truth is not. Everything is written and spoken, so if they want more march, because they will have it, but here the only one
who suffers is Teresa. ”

Later he revealed: “In the six years I was with Teresita, they came to see her at a maximum of 11 times. I was with her all day. The one who has gone is Alejandra Rubio.”
Also, she stressed that she had helped the daughters of her former and some of her relatives find work.