In the last twenty-four hours in the House of Secrets, it has been revealed that the quartet has been broken and increasingly discussions between them.
Carmen accuses Rafa to lie.
Then Álvaro calls Carmen squeezed.

Sandra Barneda confirms it from settings: ” The quartet makes waters. ” Rafa is fed up with his discussions with Carmen, and after Álvaro call it Malaceducada Álvaro becomes the target of his criticism.
Alatzne, on the other hand, is trying to unmarked from the group.

Brenda asks to speak with Álvaro because she has not understood her behavior since her nomination.
Since then, the last contestant in entering the house has put distance between them.
The auditor came to say during ‘the night of the secrets’ that who had to be expelled was Brenda: “We no longer have any kind of relationship, I wanted something bad and I received it as an attack.”

Brenda has been addressed with Álvaro as she felt betrayed: “To the minimum you have put me a cross and you have hurt me.”
She thinks that the rod of measuring her is not the same as with Carmen and Nissy.

But it has not been the only thing that has happened in the last twenty-four hours in Guadalix.
Capper and Adrián enjoyed a romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day and both managed to satisfy their hunger.
Complicity made them open and both have recognized that they have had adventures with guys.
Upon learning of the words of her laila has been surprised, because she recognizes that she is very traditional, but Carlos has given him ” welcome real life … ”

On the other hand, the next expulsion does not stop being a reason for comments at home.
Carmen tells Adrián while scrub the dishes she thinks Nissy is going to go.
And Laila confesses that it would be strange not to be with Nissy.
Ávaro has counted that he does not want Nissy to leave.
Square, from the part of him, he says that if she leaves her Brenda she is going to have a bad time: ” She is like my mother. ”

Meanwhile, viewers continue voting on the Telecinco website and the percentages show a slight variation.
The contestant after the red bar has dropped a little, up to 44.6%, while climbing the yellow to 33.8% and the pink is very similar, with just over 21%.

By not being overcoming the weekly tests, the lack of food begins to make a dent in Guadalix.
The contestants have begun to steal food from each other.
Lacquero recognizes in the cube that he misses the nuts.
”I’m starving.
I can not anymore, “he says, and he confesses to having taken things to Carmen.
Throughout her part, Alatzne says that eggs have been removed, potatoes, a pack of cookies, bread, that is, everything …

Since Brenda has answered the Sonsol call he has to choose a partner to share his hamburger if the answer made by Barneda.
Choose Virginia.
Iñaki Urdangarin with a woman in loving attitude?
Successful response

The inhabitants of the house vote.

Nissy says he is Brenda because she always releases quotas loaded with poison.
Brenda Alucina and Nissy follows: ” Heats the rest of the rest of the companions.
I’ve already said it in the cube several times before we were nominated. ” Brenda answers with a saying: ” The thief is created that all are about the condition of him. ”

Rafa believes that she is Nissy because she acts for cameras.
Laila’s sister answers: ” I am a natural, authentic, if it would not be discussing with my sister. ”

Laila, on the other hand, chooses Carmen because he believes he always gets into discussions that does not come up raising his voice: ” I think it’s pure theater. ” Carmen does not agree: ” I’m real.
That she thinks what she wants. ”

The Turn of Álvaro arrives, who chooses Carlos: ” To avoid conflict adapts his opinion to each person.
I think it’s hard to know the true opinion of him.
He is a ‘Besqueda’.
I do not say it is in a malicious way, but I do believe that by avoiding the conflict or that the other person feels bad, yes he can modulate him the opinion of him adapting her to each person. “”

Carlos puts a poker face and says he is not going to say anything: ” I have caught a little surprise.
Module a lot what I say so that there is no problems or conflicts. ”

Brenda Nomina to Nissy: ” He gets into all the sinks.
I see that when they are the direct, she tries to have the maximum protagonism. ” Nissy is justified: ” She makes me grace.
I am like that, here and in China, in Morocco, in Asia and wherever you go.
I do not care about others’ opinion.
I am very proud to be as I am. ”

Alatzne also believes that Nissy ” is very teatrera, to give him a Goya, although he is just as she says.
She exaggerates a lot when she gets angry.
She talks all the time to the cameras. ”

Nissy gets, at that moment, four voting, and becomes the home theater.
The contestants continue voting and Sandra says goodbye.
Tomorrow we will know the final result.