The offset from the tables in the audience, the Remnants of a test series. “In mid June, we have looked to see how many visitors we get with the former Five-square-metre rule, including the required 1.50 meters distance,” says Hans-Jürgen Mock. Usually be left in with a view of the fire protection for up to 199 people. According to the Corona-rules are a bit more than 50 courts would have remained. “Economically totally unviable,” is the judgment of Bernhard Westenberger, not with Mock only the business of the Show-game house GmbH, but with him also on the program of Comedy and cabaret is involved. The theatre on the border between Hofheim and Kriftel to remained.

Bernhard Biener

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the high Taunus district.

F. A. Z.

Now, however, the two have a new beginning in the view, in September, it is time to start. “After three and a half months of crisis management, it is an incredibly good feeling to think back to the Start,” says Westenberger. But he does not know that it is only allowed room to exploit. The guests would also have to want to come, and many felt unsafe. Remember the two in Hattersheim where you play since last year in addition to their Deutsche Bank house, the Posthof, the basement. At an Opening of the vault is not to think, but the city of Hattersheim has permitted to use the Posthof, respectively, from Friday to Sunday as a beer garden, and there is also a small Live program. This is a good start. “But people are still not relaxed,” West noted Berger.

More places thanks to the air conditioning

In the Show-game in-house, should there not be, therefore, only the usual clearance rules, disinfection dispenser, and mouth protection is mandatory for staff and for guests on the way to the place. Mock and the West Berger, the tables with plexiglass walls separate from each other to. Then groups of four, six or eight guests may sit together. The total number is, at least for the time being, on 80 limited. The Tickets are available in advance without a reservation of the seat. It is distributed only in the evening from a hygiene officer course.

The biggest investment is the purchase of an air conditioner. The theatre-makers to take the airlines and aircraft manufacturers, for example, the schools of the air in the plane. “And there the people are sitting ten centimeters apart,” says Westenberger. For Show game the house of the managing Director ordered a system with special Filters, the manufacturer promises to filter out micro-organisms such as influenza viruses, 99.9 percent of the time. Four Times an hour the air is exchanged in the theater room in the future completely and cleaned. The slogan of the “crisis as opportunity” is true, at least in this case. “Conditioning has always been our wish,” says Westenberger.

91 percent loss of sales

not later than the end of June is in the past hot summers of the operation in the non-isolated former factory hall, unreasonable become. “In the future, we can set up our game plan regardless of the weather, and the air-conditioned rooms for events in the summer months make use of.” Perhaps you could offset a part of the six-digit losses.

West Berger speaks of 91 percent revenue losses due to the Corona of a pandemic, even if the beer garden again some money in the cash register. Unlike the Self-the theatre and arts sector has resorted to in the case of the GmbH with 18.6 employees emergency assistance. “I was impressed with how smoothly it worked,” says Westenberger. Because, according to the temporary moratorium now go all the fixed costs of the rent up to the electricity bill incurred again, the Show-game house for a further three months of bridging help.