An armed commando has broken the night of this Tuesday in a rehabilitation center in the city of Chihuahua (northern Mexico) and has killed at least 14 people and injured eight, six of them seriously, as the local authorities have ensured.

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Two murders remind Mexico that Chihuahua is still a headache


The attackers, whose number for the moment is unknown, arrived in a car and entered with assault rifles at 2200 hours in a rehabilitation center for drug addicts in the state capital , according to the city’s security department.
It is estimated that about 25 people were in the center uniting Families, located in a residential area, when the attack occurred. The members of this armed commando were dressed in hoods and military-type clothing.
Numerous police patrols have shifted to the place. In addition, a security device has been installed in the area involving the state, Local and Federal police, as well as the army.
Chihuahua, which shares a long border with the United States, is one of Mexico’s most violent states. There is Ciudad Juarez, a municipality that although in recent years has recorded lower rates of violence, has been known for the high number of femicides that have been perpetrated there. For years it has been considered one of the most dangerous places on the continent.
In this state it operates the cartel of Juarez, today quite weakened, after the arrest in the last years of several of its leaders like Jesus Salas Aguayo, the Chuyín. This bloodthirsty capo was also known as the Liquidator and he was credited with car bombing that on July 15, 2010 ended the life of two federal police and two doctors in Ciudad Juarez. According to the investigations, in May of 2012 ordered Strafe to the death to 15 clients of the Bar El Colorado, where it was allegedly sold drug without his permission.