As senior royals in England, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan were usually only seen in chic evening wear. In the US, on the other hand, things are a bit more casual. The couple can now be seen privately in their garden on Instagram.

You rarely see Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan so privately. US poet Amanda Gorman shared a photo with the couple on Instagram after she was a surprise guest at the end of the latest episode of Meghan’s Spotify podcast Archetypes.

“Overjoyed to have had the honor of speaking with the Duchess on her podcast ‘Archetypes’ where I spoke about the power of women as changemakers. Thank you for inviting me,” she enthuses in her post.

The three pose arm in arm in the private garden of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan. Several trees and part of their house in Montecito can be seen in the background. Both Harry and Meghan wear casual looks, he wears a dark blue polo shirt, she wears jeans, a top and a knitted cardigan. Gorman shines in a colorful boho dress.

Amanda Gorman recited a poem at the inauguration of US President Joe Biden in front of the Capitol in January 2021. The performance of the poetry slammer went around the world and numerous US talk shows and modeling agencies then tore Gorman. She also subsequently read a poem at the Super Bowl in February.

In addition to Gorman, Meghan’s podcast also featured “Sex and the City” writer Candace Bushnell and actress Michaela JaĆ© Rodriguez. It was discussed, for example, that women are sometimes pilloried for their “sensuality” and “sexuality”.