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Ast, they met for a walk: a 72-year-old woman dies in hospital

09.55 PM: Sad news out of Wadern in the Saarland. The storm on Tuesday has demanded a death of a victim, such as the “Saarländische Rundfunk” reported. A 72-year-old woman died in hospital after she was taken for a walk by a falling tree Branch. She was together with a 65-Year-old in the vicinity of the castle Dagstuhl on-the-go, as the storm raged. Also, her companion was seriously injured. They were brought by helicopter to the hospital, where one of the women died now.

weather service warns of severe storms

09.31 PM: The German weather service (DWD) warned on Wednesday before heavy gusts of wind. In the district of Harz-Bergland it comes to Gale-force gusts of wind (level 3, red).

Otherwise, the regions in the South and the East of Bavaria , in the South of Baden-Württemberg, in large Parts of Saxony, in the West of Saxony-Anhalt, in the South of Thuringia, in the North of lower Saxony and in the South of Schleswig-Holstein, warning level 2 (orange) is in the border. Here it comes to gusts of wind.

Many accidents in snow and ice in Bavaria

07.45 am: On partly snow covered roads in Parts of Bavaria to several accidents. On Wednesday morning, the Palatinate occurred in the upper inside of only one hour 15 traffic accidents. “There were accidents of a smaller nature, such as, for example, in the road ditch, slipped,” said a police spokesman. Was hurt no one.

Also in lower Bavaria since the Morning, a police spokesman, according to more than 20 accidents due to ice. Three people were slightly injured. “Please drive slowly, and looking ahead,” tweeted the police. In Swabia it came between Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning to five accidents with injuries due to winter road conditions, a spokesman said. In the case of frontal collision, two people were hurt bumps hard. Overall, the police Swabia in the South/West was one of 65 stakes due to bad weather, 37 of which were associated with accidents.

storm Lolita death calls for victims: a crane operator from the part taken

14.57 at: The pull-through storm Lolita has passed on Tuesday in the South and the West of Germany, accidents with one dead and several injured. According to police, a 24-year-old crane operator died in neuenburg am Rhein in Baden-Württemberg, as him to his car hanging component is met.

informed the police in Freiburg, there was the accident with the crane in the morning. It is suspected that the wind conditions would have led to the Events there. The inquiry ran but still. Elsewhere in the Region, there were various inserts because of fallen trees, some cars were damaged.

weather expert Jan Schenk warns of a funnel cloud and a storm is raging deep Lolita in the afternoon

14.25 PM: Jan Schenk, a meteorologist at says to the current weather situation: “The low-pressure core of Lolita is still over the North sea, but the cold air flows in a plurality of so-called cold air squadrons to Germany. An initial squall line pulls just to Austria, but another is still active in Germany. the early in The afternoon, it flashes from Karlsruhe to Nuremberg. Along this line, the strongest winds are to be expected. Here is also the danger that a funnel cloud is. In the worst case a Tornado threatens at all. This cold air tornadoes are relatively weak, but can cover the still roofs. dpa, Baden-Wurttemberg, Wiesloch: emergency workers clear a tree from a street, which had fallen after a Wind

The peak winds of 100 km/h. reached in a thunderstorm close to such speeds were Measured already in Würzburg and other weather stations in the South .

About the mountain of blow Gale-force winds of the peaks. On the Feldberg in the black forest 142 km/h were measured. The Wind captured in the afternoon to the East of the country. ” tornado danger on Tuesday: winter storm Lolita brings winds of up to 100 km/h PCP tornado risk on Tuesday: winter storm Lolita gusts of wind up to 100 km/h

by the afternoon, the snow also falls on about 300 meters. Weather expert Scott hanselman: “It comes to showers now increasingly snow, in which the view goes back abruptly. This is particularly the case for car drivers is dangerous, because the snow case, it is at the same time smooth.”

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storm low over Germany: pieces of Plaster falling from Lindauer Church on parked cars

14.09 at: In Lindau during a storm, the pieces of Plaster of a Church on the market square have fallen and damaged cars. The facade parts are cancelled on Tuesday afternoon at the Evangelical St. Stephen’s Church and tumbled down. People were not injured, according to police. The exact amount of damage was initially unclear.

weather in Germany: women by falling tree hard

13.43 PM: The provided pull-through storm “Lolita” has on Tuesday in Parts of the Federal territory for damage to the injured. According to information from the German weather service in Offenbach was to be expected, especially in the higher uplands, as well as during a lightning storm, with storm and Gale – force winds to. In the Alps and in the southern black forest, about 600 meters, even more snow was to be expected.

From the Saarland, the police reported on Tuesday two of the wounded. Two Strollers between the ages of 65 and 72 years, were taken, therefore, in Wadern from the crown of a tree, broke off by the gusts of wind. You suffered include fractures to the legs and feet.

On a site in the vicinity of Saarburg, in Rhineland-Palatinate, a 35 has been taken-Year-old from a continuous Branch in the neck and ten meters rushed down a slope. He also came up with various injuries in a hospital.

Germany, should, according to the weather service until Wednesday in the area of influence of the winter lows, “Lolita”, the showers, and polar takes cold air with it. Nationwide was expected with stormy gusts, which could increase in thunderstorm nearby and higher elevations to the storm and hurricane strength. Precipitation was expected, especially in the South and in the North of Germany. dpa clouds over the düsseldorf city centre. Meteorologists warn for Tuesday part heavy squalls

red alert in 16 districts,

Tuesday, 28. January, 9.06 PM: The German weather service (DWD) warned on Tuesday before the storm – and Hurricane-force winds.

In the following regions red alert (3 applies. Level), here in the hurricane occur-like gusts.


  • Berchtesgadener Land
  • Traunstein
  • district and city of Rosenheim
  • Miesbach
  • Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Ostallgäu
  • Oberallgäu


  • Kreis Waldshut
  • circle of Lörrach
  • Kreis of Breisgau-hochschwarzwald and Freiburg city
  • Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis
  • circle Emmendingen
  • Ortenaukreis
  • circle of joy of city


  • circular resin-Bergland

With the warning-level 2 (orange) will be warned in the whole of Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Thuringia, Hesse, Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia, Berlin and in large Parts of Saxony-Anhalt, lower Saxony, Brandenburg, and Saxony against gusts of wind.

warning: trees can be uprooted and roofs damaged. Pay particular attention to the potential of falling objects such as Branches and roof tiles. In General, you should avoid staying in the open air, in particular, you should keep a distance from buildings, scaffolds, trees, and power lines.

Monday, 27. January, 22.04 PM: attention, it will be windy! The German weather service warns in several counties prior to the hurricane-force gusts. To a minimum of 0 at Red alert in the following circles:

  • circular resin – Bergland
  • Ortenaukreis
  • circle of joy of city
  • circle Emmendingen
  • Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis
  • Kreis of Breisgau-hochschwarzwald and Freiburg city
  • circle of Lörrach
  • Kreis Waldshut
  • the circle of the upper allgäu
  • Circle of Ostallgäu
  • the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Kreis Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen
  • Kreis Miesbach
  • district and city of Rosenheim
  • circle of Traunstein
  • Kreis Berchtesgadener Land

Screenshot DWD

in Addition, in the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria as well as large Parts of lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony as a warning against gusts of wind.

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