The thrust of the flexible spaces changes the pace of the market oficinasUn shared space for smes to take the leap digital

entire Sectors of the economy wiped out by not to adapt to the era of digitization and automation , in which the routine tasks happen to be in charge of robots and computers, and in which the added value of creativity, applied to new products and new solutions is the only lifeline you can hold on both companies and workers. The policies do not often know how to deal with a transformation that comes with no book of instructions and are unable to discern what changes in your activity will be to ensure the survival in this new economy 4.0. Human Resource departments understand that the workers have to find ways to think differently and in the operation of the companies starts to play a crucial role in the organization of the space, that far from being mere decorative function happens to be an element of active and inspiring, able to modify the processes and decision making.

“The neurons work on the network. Develop the ability to project what is going to happen in the future and take advantage of resources of information that were stored years ago to optimize the solution of problems. Perform a collaborative work, so that what is seen by the eyes is processed in the back part of the brain and this in turn sends it to the area of decision making. And that is possible by the interconnection between neurons and between the brain’s two hemispheres. That same design is the one that we have to achieve in the work center”, proposed Jack Lewis, neurócientífico, author of successful books on help on the job, and presenter of the series “People Watchers” of the BBC. “When we focus on a task, it activates an area of the brain to maximize its effectiveness,” she explains, “similarly, in an office it is necessary that the space be flexible and adapt to the needs of the activity each time”. In the speech of dr. Lewis is of great importance to the concept of “flow”, a state of maximum efficiency of the brain that occurs when the task is not too easy nor too difficult, in which the ego is dissolved and disappear all the comments interior, leaving the field open to creativity and maximum targeting. The goal of any work space, he says, is to enable and facilitate that state.

“The concept of flow also applies to the team,” adds the designer Steelcase Michael Held, “therefore it is necessary that in the office everything can move in a flexible configuration, enabling the team to tackle different tasks in configurations of space and which facilitates the flow of information.” “The flow of information defines the organization,” he insists, thus justifying the need for moving tables and adaptable to different heights , screens on wheels that move the presentations and video conferencing from one place to another of the company and items of furniture interchangeable”. “Every time you equip more offices with this mentality of gym of school, where the teacher uses every day items needed for that class and store the rest for that is not in the way,” he says.

In the office 4.0, the workers have been laid off because of a fixed site in the office. “To some it still gives them a sense of security, it is a process that takes time, but ideally, each time they work there where you can better optimize your activity in team and that they can switch spaces digitized with spaces analog,” explains Lewis, who gives importance to the possibility to continue to write by hand, and offline, in alternation with the “Smart enviroment” or intelligent environments that proposes to Robin Wittland, director of Surface at Microsoft, for whom “mobility, technology and connectivity” are the elements of must give way to the work space to achieve the desired “tuch thinking”. “If every worker can share their progress in real-time with the team will increase the productivity and speed of development, we can replace the tedious meetings start the day by processes in which all are informed all the time.”

Office of the advertising agency of Munich Plan.Net – ABC

This idea of the disappearance of departments, and, above all, of hierarchies, we see it successfully applied in the offices of the advertising agency of Munich Plan.Net, whose offices are accessed through a café, and whose director of development, Marcel Kammermayer, you do not have clearance. “Expanding our offer of digital services has forced us to reinvent ourselves”, he argues, “are necessary to new ways of working that had not been defined fully and that arise from a new way of organizing our space.” The former departments have been replaced by open spaces , the desktops by moving tables to support collaboration, the chairs by elements that invite the employee to change posture frequently and even to work while standing. “We envision the fruit of the daily work,” he says, showing a wall with washable paint in each day to write or draw on the achievements and that ends up packed with the Friday to be deleted on Monday, and expose the new projects. “In addition to creative, work here designers, who have the printing press, agents, media, consultants,… and also our clients. If we had to move all of meeting in meeting us eternizaríamos…”, he joked, stressing the importance of a play space. We have a games console with a large screen, a grill, a portable and a rock climbing wall… there are times that the best way to reset the brain and to think differently, to get out of dead ends, is to stop and distenderte a little bit…”.