On Tuesday, the “Mannschaft”, England will receive it in the League of Nations at 8:45 p.m. in the outfit of women’s selection. Annette Seitz, spokesperson for the women’s team explained that it was a “little hello” from the men’s teams.

Coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg’s boys played in the jersey against Chile last year. This was just before Euro-2020.

The League of Nations will hold a similar match against Poland on Wednesday.

The Belgian Football Federation (URBSFA), explains on its website that “Our Devils will face Poland wearing the Flames jersey.” The press release continues, “With this gesture, the Red Devils will clearly demonstrate their support for female counterparts who will be playing in their second European Championship row in England.” It also includes photos of the outfit, which was specially made for Belgians. Red Flames consisting of a red jersey, red shorts, and red socks.

The Spanish “Roja”, a Spanish-speaking player, will play with the girls’ uniform for a match in June. “In tribute to the very great work that their sisters do,” explained Nick Craggs, Adidas Football’s general manager.

According to FootPack, Kevin Geoffroy of AFP, a specialist site, “the various equipment manufacturers have presented the new jerseys for the women’s selections with great fanfare as they do the men’s teams.” He says, “They really worked hard on the new designs.”

The Women’s Euro will be played in England from July 6th to 31st.