In a panel discussion on Saturday in Freiburg moved Sommaruga with Nicole Loeb, head of the Bernese were the house-group Loeb, Ursi Barandun, care for expert of the Unispitals Basel, and Anne Challandes, President of the Swiss farmers and rural women’s Association, the balance sheet, as the Federal. Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications (Detec) announced.

On the 14. June 2019 had gone on the occasion of the woman’s strikes about half a Million women on the road. Under the Motto “wage. Time. Respect.” put them to ensure that their work is financially and society enhanced and the supervision work more time and money.

These requirements are still current, such as the Corona have shown the pandemic, according to the Detec-communication. The women have contributed in the care and in the care, in the sale and at the Desk, in logistics and in many other areas a lot of to deal with the crisis. “You have often worked in the Background, however, were irreplaceable,” will Sommaruga was quoted as saying.

The four women shared ideas on how women in management functions grabs on the Corona-crisis and have mastered. “Many set out to find solutions together,” said Sommaruga in accordance with the message.

The round of talks was held in Freiburg at the Espace Jean Tinguely et Niki de Saint Phalle, where currently the special exhibition “Héroines” the artist Isabelle Pilloud is.