The civil guard associations have once again stood up to Fernando Grande-Marlaska. All the block groups have demanded an urgent meeting so that the Minister of the Interior can explain to them why, as they denounce, he “disqualifies the representation of the civil guards in the governing bodies” of the Armed Institute.

The general secretary of Jucil, Ernesto VilariƱo, considers it a priority to hold an immediate meeting because, as he stated, “we have the impression that there is a plan to discredit and discourage the representation task that the regulations grant to associations to be the democratically elected voice of the civil guards”.

In fact, the representative associations of the Civil Guard took an unprecedented measure last week by abandoning the meeting of the Plenary Session of the Civil Guard Council. This decision was due to the continuous “disrespect and contempt” suffered by the Administration, “which demonstrates a clear attempt to discredit, weaken and our work.”

“Unfortunately, the request for a meeting has been avoided by both the minister and his substitute in the Presidency of the Council, the director general of the Civil Guard. Furthermore, not even the functioning of the Council, a body whose decisions lack the minimum binding character , currently serves as a consultative instrument”.

The situation has reached a point where the Minister of the Interior only seems to need to apply the Military Penal Code to try to silence the 16 representatives of the civil guards who act as members of the Civil Guard Council. This fact has led all associations to rise up against these types of decisions.

VilariƱo defends in this regard that “Jucil will continue with the task of being the voice of the civil guards before the public Administration, without threats of resorting to the outdated and meaningless Code of Military Justice being able to silence the desires for improvement of thousands of guards.” civilians who long to carry out their task and have their work recognized and not discriminated against in salary or employment.

“As an example of the unequal treatment towards the representatives of the civil guards and the Corps as a whole, cases of reduction, elimination and transfer of powers of the civil guards to other police forces have been observed.” “We avoid entering into a controversy about powers with other police colleagues, but we do seek to make it very clear what responsibility corresponds to the Civil Guard and what future is planned for this Corps by this or the next governments,” he said. clarified the secretary general.