Alberto Núñez Feijóo has counterprogrammed this Saturday the presence of Pedro Sánchez at the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit in an act in which the popular leader has accused the President of the Government of “paying homage to autocratic rulers”.

He did so at an event held in Madrid under the slogan Europe is Hispanic, accompanied by the mayor of the capital, José Luís Martínez Almeida, the president of the community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the number two of the party, Esteban González Pons.

González Pons was the first to mark the alleged lack of commitment of the President of the Government with the citizens of Latin America as the central message of the event.

He has done so with a reference to another summit, that of the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), which will be held in July in Brussels despite the fact that by then Spain will already have assumed the rotating Presidency of the European Union. “Do you know what is the only act that is not going to be held in Spain? The summit of the American governments with the EU. And do you know why? Because we meet here with our friends, the lovers and the children of freedom. Yes brings that summit, we would see him with his friends, enemies and pursuers of freedom”.

In his subsequent speech, Feijóo has followed this line: “If they let us have an opinion, of course we would not have been satisfied with the diplomatic failure that the only summit between Europe and America that is going to take place is not held in Spain but is held in another European capital. Without a doubt, this is a lost opportunity for Hispanicity”.

The president of the PP has maintained that what Spain should seek in its six months of Spanish Presidency is “greater integration of Latin America and Europe.”

Next, Feijóo has raised the tone against Sánchez: “I am very proud to be here, to be with the Spanish-American people, not to pay homage to apprentice rulers of autocrats and truly autocrats who use their people, not to improve and prosper, but to improve and prosper them. That’s why I don’t miss meeting with some rulers of the Spanish-American nations.”

In his references to autocrats, Feijóo was probably thinking of the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, whose presence at the summit being held in the Dominican Republic has been in the air but which is finally going to take place. In addition to the President of the Government, representing Spain is Felipe VI.

In the act, full of flags of Latin American countries and posters of “Hispanics with Feijóo/Ayuso/Almeida”, the mayor and the regional president have presented Madrid as the refuge of those who seek “freedom”, a word used immediately by Ayuso in his intervention and chanted several times by the attendees.

The regional president has contrasted that freedom with the way of acting of Pedro Sánchez and his “Government of liberticides”. “We are living in hard times for freedom on both sides of the Atlantic. Here Pedro Sánchez, his separatist partners, sell the greatest immoralities as if they were advances. And he supports his government with those who have supported the most serious crimes,” he stated, mentioning the end below. , just yesterday, of 30 years of dispersion policy with ETA prisoners.

“Now your government has just given the release and privileges to the members of the terrorist group ETA who still have more than 300 crimes to solve. And it consents that these terrorists be called political prisoners and sits at the same table to negotiate. The Sánchez’s favors to ETA are immoral”, he concluded.

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