Tomorrow, Wednesday arrives in Spain a large wave of heat, with temperatures that could surpass the 44 degrees in Andalusia.
This increase in mercury will occur in a “general and progressive” way and will last for at least five or six days.

As of Wednesday, the heat will be intense in almost all the peninsula and the Balearic Islands “both day and at night”, the AEMET spokesman, Rubén del Campo explained to Servimedia.
In this way, the country could be “in a heat wave that will last until the beginning of next week.”
In addition, the heat wave will be accompanied by an air mass from North Africa with suspension dust.

Temperatures will be very high in much of Spain for at least five or six days, and could even beaten records.
“This increase is due to a dorsal located on the north of Africa and the central Mediterranean, which will approach Spain. It is a high pressure situation at middle and high levels of the troposphere usually associated with very warm air, whose approach.
It will cause the mass of air to settle on the territory at source be very warm. Likewise, the dorsal will stabilize the atmosphere so the sun will shine and heat the surface with force. As in general there will be little wind and scarce ventilation, the air.
Warm will not have an opportunity to disperse, “said the field.

As for the temperatures, as of this Tuesday, heat will be felt in a large part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with more than 36º in the Basin of the Ebro, center and half south peninsular and points of Mallorca.
As of Wednesday, high temperatures will be more extreme, since 36 degrees will be reached in the north plateau or 38 in Ebro, Baleares, downtown area or south with 40 in the valleys of the Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalquivir;
Areas where the early morning temperature will not fall from 20 degrees.

“During the following days, the thermal promotion will continue. Thus, will be achieved or even overcome the 40º in a large part of the center and south of the Peninsula, Basin of the Ebro and points of Mallorca, with more than 42º as of Thursday in Valles del Tajo
, Guadiana and Guadalquivir, “the AEMET spokesman stressed, which did not rule out that the 44th in some points in the southern half be overlooked.
The nights will be very hot too, with minimals above the 22nd from Wednesday or Thursday in many of these areas.

There will be something regardless of this situation the peninsular north, especially the northern part of Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria, although next weekend at the East Babester, especially in the area of the Basque Country, could raise temperatures from the

On the other hand, this situation makes it difficult to form clouds, so rainfall will be very scarce.
However, until tomorrow, we could take some occasional rainfall in the Mediterranean or Mallorca area, and also in downtown and east mountain areas, which starting on Thursday will be more scarce or nonexistent.

In this sense, the AEMET remembers that the dust in suspension and prolonged heat can have effects, respectively, on the health of people and in the increased risk of forest fires, so asking for maximum prudence and continuous information.