The 449 immigrants who have arrived in El Hierro in the last few hours aboard 4 cayucos have been housed in the Temporary Reception Center for Foreigners (CATE) in Valverde, where they will remain in police custody pending their affiliation and subsequent referral to other resources outside the island.

These four vessels were directed to the La Restinga dock, in the municipality of El Pinar, by the Maritime Rescue vessels Guardamar Concepción Arenal and Salvamar Adhara, as well as the Civil Guard patrol boat Río Segura.

According to the information collected from the health and emergency services, on board the rescued boats there were 449 people of sub-Saharan origin, mostly men, and among those traveling were 10 women and 30 minors who were treated in the port of El Hierro. .

This Sunday afternoon, the Government Delegation transferred a group of immigrants who remained in El Hierro to the regular Naviera Armas ship bound for Tenerife, after their arrival aboard different cayucos in recent days.

The Government Delegation has not provided information regarding the exact number of people referred this Sunday afternoon, as well as those who remain housed in the CATE of El Hierro.